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Display beautifully crafted links to Recent Posts on your blog with this widget. You can easily customize whether or not you would like to display thumbnails, post summaries, and the number of comments for each post along side the titles...

Features and Customization:
  1. The Recent Post Titles
  2. Display Post Thumbnails
  3. Choose which blog posts to display (choose URL).
  4. Display Post Summaries
  5. Length of Summaries
  6. Display Post Date
  7. Display Number of Comments on each post
  8. Display Read More Link
  9. Display separator between posts
  10. Number of Posts do Display
  11. Determine height
Install the Recent Post Widget on Your Blog:

This widget is very simple to install. Just simply click the button below to choose which blog you would like to implement it on.
add to blogger

Many thanks to Blogger Plugins!