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Another publisher network that allows you to earn money from blog s adbrite. It also offers CPC adds like google provide.It pays 0.3$ per click on add But that only on each valid click by an visitor.
Sometimes Google adsense disaprove your application to join them because your site may be under construction or doesn't contain enough content in it.But instead of waiting them for start you can join adbrite and start earning as it will also trained you as an good experience as an add publisher which will help you a lot future using adsense network....


Adbite Provides:-

Text-Link adds like google pays 0.3$ for each valid click.Add banners also appears in these units.

Full page adds that appears after your site fix page impressions (i.e after your site 4 page impressions there full page add will appear). They pay for that adds on per 1000 impressions of there adds

Inline adds that appear as links on your text in your articles.These monetize your site very well.

here's the link...
