Ciana = Feminine form of John. Ciara = Dark. Cicely = From a Roman clan name. Cierra = Black. Cindrella = From the fairy tale. Clair,Clare = Bright. Shining. Claire = Clear, Bright, Brilliant. Clara = Bright. Shining. Clarabelle = Bright and Beautiful. Clare = Clear. Shinning. Clareta = Clear, Bright, Brilliant. Clarissa = Made famous. Claudia = Feminine of Claudius. Lame. Clelia = A legendary Roman heroine. Clematia = Vine. Clementine = Feminine of Clement. Cleopatra = Of a famous father. Clorinda = A name coined by the Italian poet Tasso. Clothilda = Battle maid. Clover = From the flower clover. Clytie = Splendid. Cody = Helpful. Colette = Victorious. Colleen = Girl. Maiden. Columba = Dove. Comfort = Aid.Comfort. Conception = Beginning. Concordia = Harmony. Connie = A familar form of Constance. Consolata = Consolation. Constance = Constancy. Firmness. Consuela = Consolation. Cora = Maiden. | Corabelle = Beautiful Maiden. Coral = Sea coral. Cordelia = Jewel of the sea. Coretta = Maiden. Corin = Lion. Corinne = Maiden. Corinthia = From the Greek city of Corinth. Corliss = Good-natured. Cornelia = Feminine of Cornelius. Corryn = Lion. Cosima = Feminine of Cosmo. Courtney = Courtly. Courteous. Peaceful.Mischievous. Name of a place.Surname. Cressida = Golden. Crispina = Feminine of Crispin. Crysella = Dark beauty. Crystal = Brilliant. Pure. Ice. Bright. Curyn = Lion. Cy = Baby girl. Cynara = Perhaps from the Aegean island of Zinara. Cynthia = A greek God. The Goddess of the Moon. Cypria = From the island of Cyprus. Cyra = Feminine of Cyrus. Cyrena = The water nymph. Cyril = From god. Cyrilla = Feminine of Cyril. Cytherea = A title assigned to Venus from the island of Cythera, her supposed birthplace |